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Monday, December 21, 2009

Voice Stress Analysis - VSA

Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) as a lie-detection tool has become extremely popular amongst forensic investigators and is steadily replacing the polygraph. Whilst polygraph averages out data from three physiological sources and therefore has a fairly wide margin of tolerance for below par Examiners, VSA uses only one such parameter and so there is lttle or no tolerance for operator error. It is extremely important that the operator receives training from an Instructor that has many years of experience and a solid background in Psychophysiological Detection Of Deception. The general public should be aware and exercise caution when dealing with VSA operator-examiners. They need to be 100% sure that the operator-examiner has been trained and is a member of a reputable, locally based Association. They need to be even more sure that the operator is not using layered voice analysis (LVA), which is has accuracy levels way below chance. There is no reputable PDD association in South Africa that will admit LVA operators as members. Forensic voice stress analysis technology is the future. For training in South Africa, contact Christina Coetzee and Clifton Coetzee via (  and )

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